FCCC Center is:

  1. A community center for local Chinese and Chinese Americans to meet and have funs
    When you join the membership, you and your family are entitled to use the facility with no cost or reduced cost for entertainment, fun activities, summer camps, classes, and sports like table-tennis, etc. Learn more…
    中心是天帕湾华人的家,欢迎大家加入成为会员,分享这个大家庭所能提供的福利:象乒乓球,桌球,唱歌,跳舞,节假日聚会,寒暑假学生营,学生课外补习班,等等. 详情点击这里
  2. A learning center and cultural exchange
    With 5000 plus years of history, Chinese culture is one of the oldest but also the least understood due to its seemly difficult language. Come join us at the Center to learn, in a casual and relaxed way, more about this fascinating and longlasting culture and language... A variety of classes will be offered such as basic conversational Chinese, Chinese folk dancing, Chinese Calligraphy, Tai Chi, and Kun Fu, and so on. We have many local talents who wanted to pass down their special skills to many eager learners but were not able to due to the lack of an appropriate place to conduct such activities. Now they can with the opening of this 5000 SQ Ft facility in a convenient location. Learn more…